
Monday 18 February 2013

Hand Bouquet for my Bestie ♥

Earlier this month lepas celebrate my bestie nye last night out, i terase nk buatkan lg 1 bende khas utk my bestie. At first i ingat nk wat painting utk die tp memandangkan masa pun tk berape nk ade i ambik keputusan untuk buat hand bouquet. Lepas i wat research skit psl hand bouquet i trus g survey fresh flowers kat kedai area ofis i. I da masuk 2 kedai tp i tk jumpe jugak bunga yg i nk. Kedai yg ketiga i masuk baru la ade bunga 'calla lily'. Tp i agak kecewa sbb bunga calla lily tu tk bape fresh.. ;(

Calla Lily Bouquet
  Image Source:

That time i sempat gak survey harga fresh flowers hand bouquet. Kalo hand bouquet yg da siap gubah, size medium2 harga nye RM100 - RM150. Wow.. bule tahan jugak. So lepas pk2, i rase better i wat hand bouquet gune bunga artificial flowers sbb kalo bule i nk bg something yg die bule simpan utk satu jangka masa yg panjang.

Blk dr ofis i trus g cari barang-barang yg diperlukan. Sampai umah mmg tk banyak cakap i trus stat wat sbb esk pg nye bestie i nikah! Enta jd or tk.. risau jugak :( Tkpe, dgn bacaan Bismillah i trus menggubah non stop dr pukul 10pm hingga pukul 2am. Alhamdulillah finally siap jugak :)

 Selection of Flowers

 A Bouquet of Roses

 On her wedding day

"Dear bestie, thank you for all the moments we've shared, moments filled with shared dreams and wishes, secrets, laughter, and tears, and above all, friendship. You always be the girl who stood beside me. I wish you a life full of smiles and happiness both of you. May Allah bless your marriage and grant you happiness in life and the akhirah"

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