
Monday 18 February 2013

Hand Bouquet for my Bestie ♥

Earlier this month lepas celebrate my bestie nye last night out, i terase nk buatkan lg 1 bende khas utk my bestie. At first i ingat nk wat painting utk die tp memandangkan masa pun tk berape nk ade i ambik keputusan untuk buat hand bouquet. Lepas i wat research skit psl hand bouquet i trus g survey fresh flowers kat kedai area ofis i. I da masuk 2 kedai tp i tk jumpe jugak bunga yg i nk. Kedai yg ketiga i masuk baru la ade bunga 'calla lily'. Tp i agak kecewa sbb bunga calla lily tu tk bape fresh.. ;(

Calla Lily Bouquet
  Image Source:

That time i sempat gak survey harga fresh flowers hand bouquet. Kalo hand bouquet yg da siap gubah, size medium2 harga nye RM100 - RM150. Wow.. bule tahan jugak. So lepas pk2, i rase better i wat hand bouquet gune bunga artificial flowers sbb kalo bule i nk bg something yg die bule simpan utk satu jangka masa yg panjang.

Blk dr ofis i trus g cari barang-barang yg diperlukan. Sampai umah mmg tk banyak cakap i trus stat wat sbb esk pg nye bestie i nikah! Enta jd or tk.. risau jugak :( Tkpe, dgn bacaan Bismillah i trus menggubah non stop dr pukul 10pm hingga pukul 2am. Alhamdulillah finally siap jugak :)

 Selection of Flowers

 A Bouquet of Roses

 On her wedding day

"Dear bestie, thank you for all the moments we've shared, moments filled with shared dreams and wishes, secrets, laughter, and tears, and above all, friendship. You always be the girl who stood beside me. I wish you a life full of smiles and happiness both of you. May Allah bless your marriage and grant you happiness in life and the akhirah"

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pakej Gubahan Hantaran

RM250 untuk 7 dulang
RM300 untuk 9 dulang

Gubahan Hantaran termasuk;
Sewa Bunga Dulang
Sewa Bekas dan Tapak Hantaran
Menggubah Bunga dan Hantaran

RM500 for both sides!
7 dulang + 9 dulang

Book Your Date Today!

For more information kindly visit
or email us at

2 in 1 Event :)

Lastly for tonight, i nk post lg 1 event sblm i tdo. Last weekend i blk kg utk majlis pernikahan mak cik and majlis cukur jambul anak buah kesayangan :) I tk dpt nk wat pape sgt sbb my mom kate majlis kecil je. Kecil pun tkpe asalkn MERIAH! huhu.. So i sempat wat hantaran je utk mak cik i.. Door gift sume my mom yg prepare. Utk our puteri kesayangan, sorry aunty tk dpt buatkn door gift comel2.. ;'( Nnt aunty buatkn photobook utk Maisarah ye..

She's my aunty and my mother :')

Tahniah and semoga berbahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat. InsyAllah there will be no tears and sadness from this day onwards. Our prayers will always be with you :)

Majlis Cukur Jambul - Maisarah Aisyah

 Ni actually first time i tgk majlis cukur jambul. Sblm ni dtg2 majlis da selesai.. bg hadiah and trus mkn. Huhu.. 
My niece punya majlis quite simple.. Org marhaban start dgn bacaan yassin, berzanji dan cukur jambul. Sedap sgt diorg berzanji pg tu :)


My niece sgt cool. Lgsg tk nangis mase time berzanji and cukur jambul. Die pandang je mak die bile org marhaban start potong rambut. Sayang mak ye.. Huhu..

Thumbs up! Gud job Maisarah :)

My Bestie's Bachelorette Party!

Bulan lepas, i joined a small gathering untuk celebrate my bestie's last night out as a single lady! Walaupun preparation di saat-saat akhir tp sume nye berjalan ngan lancar seperti yg di rancang. Yg penting kitorg sgt2 happy sbb dpt bkumpul lepas bape bln tk jumpe ;')

Alhamdulillah kitorg sempat la siap kn few things sblm gathering. My dearest friend Faiqah sempat ok buat cheese tart ptg tu and i plak wat tags, friendship rings, mini cards and hairbands utk semua yg dtg :)

Cheese tart ni sgt3 sedap!! Kurang manis dan kaya dengan cheese. Seriously my favorite! :D Sesape yg nk tempah leh pm/watsapp utk dptkn contact number my friend. And yes, harga nye murah :))

Photo credit: @dillaohlala :)

Gubahan Hantaran

Gold + White
Red + Black

Purple + Off White

 Off White + Gold
Red + Off White + Gold

On your mark, get set, GO!

Untuk permulaan tahun 2013 i buat blog baru yg di beri name Even though skang da bulan Feb, hope tk terlewat utk bermula sekali lg ;) Before ni, i guna blog utk advert kn gubahan hantaran je. Now da tukar skit.. Selain menggubah hantaran i nk share few other things yg i wat seperti wedding card, printable tags, etc. 

Please be noted that these 'other things' are not for sale

On your mark, get set, GO!

I start wat bisnes gubahan hantaran pd tahun 2011. Dulu i hanye ade bekas ni je. Mase tu kelakar gak bile pk nk start wat bisnes sbb i tkde experince and yg plg penting i mmg tk reti nk promote! The only experience yg i ade hanye wat hantaran tuk my elder brother je  +__+'  Thanks to my housemate kak dyeane sbb encourage utk wat bisnes sampingan sambil bekerja ;)